1:12 PM
Gacy Bryant

Yo what you up to im bored as shit

nacho mama
1:13 PM
uh im just vhillong in my room whaddup
1:13 PM
Gacy Bryant

Do you wanna come over to my place or break shit in the scrapyard
Actually preferably the scrapyard my dad's gf is here and I dont want to be anywhere near her

nacho mama
1:13 PM
you could come here if u want
my pa is home tho
u can probobly come thru the window r smth
1:15 PM
Gacy Bryant

I guess
1:20 PM
Gacy Bryant

Are you going to fix that

nacho mama
1:20 PM
fix what

nacho mama
1:27 PM
1:28 PM
Gacy Bryant

Its 'probably' dumbass

nacho mama
1:29 PM
oh sry
how do i edit message
1:30 PM
Gacy Bryant

Forget it
Ill see you in about an hour